The Art History Department would like to congratulate Prof. Kristopher Kersey who has been named the Ishibashi Visiting Professor at the Instititute of East Asian Art History at Heidelberg University for the Summer 2025 term!
Kersey’s research focuses on the intersecting histories of Japanese art, design, and aesthetics. At UCLA, he has taught seminars on time and narrative theory, print media in imperial Japan (1910–1945), fragmentation and decay, medieval pictorial scrolls (emaki), and transcultural approaches to early modernity.
He has a brand new book available now entitled “Facing Images: Medieval Japanese Art and the Problem of Modernity.”
Described as a timely intervention in the history of medieval Japanese art, art historiography, and the history of global modernism, Facing Images redefines the relationship of the “premodern” non-West to “modern” art.

The book is available here
For more info about the Ishibashi Foundation Visiting Professorship, click here