The UCLA Department of Art History is happy to announce Professor Meredith Cohen as a grant recipient of the NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication.
Her project, entitled “The Lady Chapel as a Model for Visualizations of Digital 3D Historical Reconstructions”, examines the “Research, writing, and data visualization leading to a website exploring 3D architectural reconstructions of the Lady Chapel of Saint-German-des-Prés.”
The endowment comes from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Mellon Foundation, which serves to support individual scholars pursuing interpretive research projects that require digital expression and digital publication.
For a full list of recipients click here.
Professor Cohen has taught at UCLA since 2011, specializing in the history of architecture and urban development of Western Europe from c. 1000 to c. 1450, with a focus on that associated with France.
Congratulations, Professor Cohen!